The information contained within this page is for professional intermediary use only.
If you are not a mortgage intermediary, please return to our consumer mortgage page
Scroll down for Penrith Mortgage Hub, Products and Lending Criteria links.

We recognise that obtaining a mortgage can be a highly complex and daunting task but the support offered by a professional mortgage intermediary can make all the difference. That’s why we work with our intermediary partners, supporting them with their enquiries and applications, saying ‘yes’ where we can and offering sensible solutions where an alternative approach could make all the difference – ensuring that all those that wish to embark upon homeownership are considered fairly.

Having the ability to assess each application on its own merits, means that we can consider cases where an individual approach makes all the difference and due to our size, a nimble approach in innovative lending solutions is just business as usual.

Penrith Mortgage Hub

Penrith Mortgage Hub


View our diverse range of products.

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Lending Criteria

Details of our lending criteria.

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Product Transfers

We can help with your client’s new mortgage scheme.

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Case Studies

We exist to look after our members.

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Meet the Team

Even if we do say so ourselves, we’re a great bunch of people.

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Intermediaries at Penrith Building Society
